Workshop organizers

Alan Pike, Digital Scholarship Training Coordinator, Emory Center for Digital Scholarship, Emory University.

Alan coordinates the Digital Scholarship Internship Program at ECDS, and offers training, professional development, and project management for the center’s 20+ graduate students. He also participates in project management at ECDS, and assists faculty with incorporating digital methods and tools into their research and pedagogy.

Dawn Childress, Librarian for Digital Collections and Scholarship, UCLA Digital Library Program.

In addition to her role developing and managing digital projects, Dawn oversees the supervision, professional development, and support of graduate students and interns in UCLA’s Digital Library Program. She also regularly consults and collaborates with faculty and students on projects related to digital humanities. Her research interests center around digital libraries; digital and analog approaches to bibliography, book history, and archival studies; and digital scholarly editing.

Smiljana Antonijevć, Research Anthropologist at Penn State University.

Smiljana’s work explores the intersection of communication, culture, and technology through research and teaching in the U.S. and Europe. Her latest study, presented in the book Amongst Digital Humanists: An ethnographic study of digital knowledge production (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015) provides an ethnographic account of the changing landscape of humanities scholarship as it affects individual scholars, academic fields, and institutions.

Jim McGrath, Postdoctoral Fellow in Public Digital Humanities, John Nicholas Brown Center for Public Humanities and Cultural Heritage, Brown University.

Jim received his Ph.D in English from Northeastern University, where he was also Coordinator for the Northeastern University Library Digital Scholarship Group and the Project Director of Our Marathon: The Boston Bombing Digital Archive. As DSG Coordinator, Jim ran Digital Humanities Open Office Hours, helped develop workflows, documentation and best practices, and consulted with faculty interested in library support. At Brown he teaches in the Public Humanities MA program and consults on various digital initiatives. His research interests include digital archives, public humanities, project management in digital humanities contexts, and the history of the book.

Alex Gil, Digital Scholarship Coordinator, Humanities and History Division, Columbia University Libraries.

Alex Gil is Digital Scholarship Coordinator for the Humanities and History at Columbia. He serves as a consultant to faculty, students and the library on the impact of technology on humanities research, pedagogy and scholarly communications. Current projects include an open repository of syllabi for curricular research, a journal for caribbean studies digital scholarship designed with minimal computing principles and other initiatives at the intersection of technology and the humanities. He is currently vice-chair of global-outlook::digital-humanities (GO::DH) and the organizer of the THATCamp Caribe series. His scholarly heart remains betrothed to Caribbean Literature in the 20th Century.

Brennan Collins, Associate Director of Writing Across the Curriculum and the Center for Instructional Effectiveness at Georgia State University.

Brennan co-directs the Student Innovation Fellowship Program at GSU, which works with graduate and undergraduate students to develop expertise and share ideas around emerging technologies and instructional innovations. The interdisciplinary nature and technology focus of these programs allows him to work with a diverse faculty and student body in exploring inventive pedagogies. He is particularly interested in using maps in and out the classroom to develop student critical thinking. He teaches courses on graphic novels and African American and Multi-Ethnic U.S. literatures.
